Sustainable installation technology

Winkels Techniek believes in sustainable installations. We take responsibility for reducing the use of fossil fuels. We use our knowledge to find innovative, sustainable solutions to heat, cool and light up homes, buildings and whole area developments in an energy efficient manner. This leads to better results for our customers and our environment.

Thinking sustainably

Sustainable thinking is in Winkels Techniek’s genes. We are familiar with the latest developments in sustainable installation technology. We make consideration together with our customers to achieve the desired sustainability goals. We advise on, design and deliver sustainable solutions that best fit the customer’s situation and provide the best return. Including all follow-up support in order to achieve maximum energy savings.


For you as a customer this means that, with Winkels Techniek at your side, you are always in the position to make an informed choice between investing in direct energy saving, the return for the longer term and other aspects of sustainability. We have already achieved great results in practice.

For example, Unipro where the new factory with an adjacent office building was awarded an exceptionally high GPR score of 8.66. Or the residential towers of the student accommodation in Zwolle and the office building of Eshuis accountants and tax advisers which respectively received the BREEAM ratings “Good” and “Very Good”.

"Winkels Techniek had the knowledge to turn our ideas and ambitions into reality."

Sustainable technologies

Winkels Techniek combines sustainable installation solutions with existing technologies. In recent years we have managed to significantly reduce our customers’ energy consumption using the following sustainable systems:

  • Solar panels
  • Solar boilers
  • Ventilation systems with heat recovery
  • Air conditioning and lighting switched on based on presence
  • Heat pumps
  • Heat and cold storage
  • Low temperature heating
  • Pellet stoves
  • LED lighting

Would you like to know more about our possibilities for sustainable installation technology? Then take a look at our references or contact us directly.



Bewust bouwen aan BREEAM-project Demcon
01 november 2022
Op Kennispark Twente wordt op dit moment het nieuwe hoofdkantoor van Demcon gebouwd. Een bouwproject waarbij zoveel mogelijk aan de wens van Demcon wordt voldaan om de MVO-doelstellingen bij de nieuwbouw zichtbaar te maken. Er is dan...
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Rapport Connect2030 – ontwikkelingen in de technieksector
30 september 2022
Deze week verscheen het rapport Connect2030 over de toekomst van de technieksector. Het rapport geeft een beeld van de ontwikkelingen waar Nederland op weg naar 2030 mee te maken krijgt en welke rol de techniek daarin speelt. Met als...
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Certificaat gasbluscentrale voor brandveiligheidsspecialisten Winkels
13 april 2022
De brandveiligheidsspecialisten van Winkels Techniek hebben recentelijk hun certificaat voor het installeren, inbedrijfstellen en programmeren van de gasbluscentrale van Siemens mogen ontvangen. Daarmee breidt het bedrijf de...
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Winkels Techniek komt met doeltreffende technische oplossingen.
Niels Vis, FC Twente - Vernieuwd camerasysteem voor FC Twente