Winkels International & Specials

Winkels International & Specials (I&S) specialises in special and international installation projects. The business unit, which is located in Vorden, is made up of a flexible team that is totally focused on delivering specific goods that are tailor-made to customer requirements. The experienced and versatile technical specialists are experts in the areas of electrical engineering, cooling technology and air conditioning. Building management systems, fire and burglar alarms, access control and nurse call systems are also specialisms that Winkels I&S manage.

International projects

Winkels I&S can be considered the international branch of the parent company Winkels Techniek. For example, Winkels I&S designed and supplied installations for various clients in the Caribbean. For example, technical installations for the Fundashon Mariadal hospital, the Brede School Papa Cornes and the control tower at Flamingo Airport in Bonaire. In addition, the installations for medical gases in the new hospital in Curacao are supposed to be delivered at the end of 2017.

Special applications

As well as designing and supplying installation technology for international locations, Winkels I&S also provides technical installations for less common applications. For example, we have implemented projects such as data centres and complete technical installations of a process plant for adhesives and plastic floors.


Winkels I&S heeft haar inkoop en logistiek goed geregeld. Dit geeft extra kracht om op een eiland als Bonaire bouwprojecten te laten slagen.


The organisation of Winkels I&S is able to provide the installation of special technologies and to make them successful in special locations. All job preparation and logistics takes place in Vorden. The employees specialise in designing, installing and commissioning extraordinary technical installations. They also have extensive experience with implementing technical projects for longer periods in overseas territories.

More information

Would you like to know more about the possibilities of Winkels I&S? Then please contact the branch in Vorden via phone +31(0)575 55 73 00. You can, of course also contact Winkels Techniek.



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