About us

Winkels Techniek is a technical services provider that has provided flexible solutions in the areas of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, IT and security for many years. From various branches in the east of the Netherlands, Winkels Techniek provides housing associations, hospitals, healthcare facilities and the industry with technology and services that directly contributes to their success.

Technical excellence

Technology is an important means for performing better and achieving goals. Winkels Techniek supports its customers with this by excelling in the areas of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and IT and security. Using the latest technologies and based on cooperation we devise complete solutions that give added value to your operations. Experience our range of services and technology that allow you endless variety!


We believe in integral collaboration and liaison, providing solutions that meet or even exceed your expectations. We are an integral partner who handles everything for you and we place key importance on close collaboration with our construction partners within the most innovative forms of contract. For example, Design & Build contracts or Design, Build & Maintain contracts where we constructively consider the functionality of housing complexes in the preparatory phase. Examples includes the projects at Unipro and Stork Thermeq.

Trust played a key role in our collaboration. Winkels Techniek had the knowledge to turn our innovative ideas and ambitions into reality in a process of co-creation.

Maurice Beijk, Unipro


One thing that particularly stood out was the substantial knowledge of the technicians and their proactive attitude. They used their own knowledge to find solutions, took part in discussions and tried to address shortcomings themselves.

Rik Nieuweweme, Ziekenhuis Groep Twente (Twente hospital group)


In order to give well-informed advice and perform a professional job, Winkels Techniek continuously invests in training for its staff. This means they can guarantee technical knowledge, quality customisation work and a customer-oriented approach. Our organisation has a high degree of flexibility thanks to our horizontal organisation structure and short lines of communication, whereby the customer’s interest obviously comes first.

As a family business with history, we try to establish long-term relationships with our customers and employees. Up to the top level, our customers are thrilled about what our staff are able to do. And we are very proud of this.

Eddy and Henk Winkels, Winkels Techniek


Winkels Techniek has the right knowledge, skills and expertise to turn every challenging project into a success. We stay on top of the latest developments, technologies and possibilities for achieving ambitious goals, whether regarding sustainability, flexibility or cost savings. As a sparring partners, our staff help you and come up with the best solutions for your situation.

I see Winkels as an innovative and proactive partner. They are aware of the latest developments and come up with new ideas and creations. This is essential for making good offers and to be able to build sustainably.

Dinand van den Berg, Goossen Te Pas Bouw

Complete and integrated

Our complete and integrated range of technology and services was made possible by the merger of three renowned installation companies Hillen Installatietechniek B.V., Emsbroek Installatietechniek B.V. and Disselhorst Installatietechniek to create the current Winkels Techniek. This allows us to combine the complementary expertise of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and IT & security under one roof.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities Winkels Techniek can provide for your organisation? Then please get in contact with us!


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