
Laboratory for microbiology and pathology

Type of work
Kantoorpand met laboratorium
eind 2013
Ziekenhuis Groep Twente
Royal Haskoning DHV
Winkels Techniek (E) / Wolter&Dros (W)

Streamlined for the best construction results

The aim was a laboratory building for the future, capable of meeting the rapidly increasing demand for complex laboratory services. In Winkels Techniek, Rik Nieuweweme - project manager of the Ziekenhuis Groep Twente (ZGT) - found an installation partner with the required knowledge and experience to build the new Microbiologie en Pathologie Oost-Nederland Eastern Netherlands microbiology and pathology) laboratories. “The execution needs to be right the first time. Winkels is a partner I know to be strongly committed to the success of a project.”

laboratorium-microbiologie-pathologie-zgtRik Nieuweweme

All electrical engineering

The laboratory is part of a larger new building that includes a new dialysis centre and an obesity centre. Here Rik Nieuweweme talks about the MEAT tender (most economically advantageous tender) and the selection of Winkels Techniek as the installation partner for all electrical engineering work.

Technically complex

“The building , especially the laboratory with its technically complex environment, requires a great deal of expertise. In the tendering process, Winkels Techniek came out on top in the points system due to the company’s knowledge of BIM (Building Information Model) and the clear planning approach. We also knew that Winkels would be a competent partner for this job because of their previous experiences, such as the joint construction of our OK complex.”

We also knew that Winkels would be a competent partner for this job because of their previous experiences.

Extensive requirements

Maikel Pietersen, project manager at Winkels Techniek, agrees with this: "Our experience in hospitals means we are familiar with the extensive requirements when it comes to the quality and possibilities available in healthcare complexes. An example of this is the clean and precise work required on the construction site. This was managed thanks to the lean-planning method used.”

Streamlined construction process

The use of lean building, BIM and Strategic Purchasing Management (SIM) created a streamlined process. Pietersen: “It was an intensive and successful collaboration between several construction and installation companies in which we complemented each other well and provided transparent support. We all tried to achieve the best construction result!”

...a successful collaboration in which we complemented each other well and provided transparent support...

Validated execution

Our work was completely in line with the task assigned by Rik Nieuweweme. “It is often the case that there are all kinds of repair still required in the building six months after completion, with all the extra inconvenience and expense that entails. We managed to avoid this by having everything validated during execution.” This involved tests during execution of the job to check whether respective components worked as intended (i.e. in the way specified in advance).

Specific installations

The building is full of complex engineering. There are multiple supply lines for different types of water and fluids, various drains, air ducts with extraction systems and gases in the laboratory. The building also has sophisticated IT and chemicals storage. The building has an emergency generator and a UPS backup battery so that the healthcare processes can continue in emergencies.

The lean planning ensured the project was completed on time.

The building also has a range of security installations such as fire detection, gas extinguishing systems, intruder systems, cameras and intercom systems. The airtight Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) laboratory and the anti-intruder system to the same standard as in a bank building paint a picture of the high-quality, very specific installation technology that was used in this complex.

On time

Maikel Pietersen: “The lean planning ensured the project was completed on time, without hiccoughs. We sorted all the different types of installations within electrical engineering ourselves, including specialist work such as an integrated M2L power distributer for medium-voltage and low-voltage distribution.”

One thing that particularly stood out was the substantial knowledge and proactive attitude of the technicians.

What stood out to Nieuweweme in this collaboration with Winkels Techniek?

“In terms of technology, we are quite conservative - everything had to be based on proven technology. Winkels Stores sensed this well,” said Nieuweweme, and added: “One thing that particularly stood out was the substantial knowledge of the technicians and their proactive attitude. When there were challenges during implementation, they used their own knowledge to come up with solutions. They took part in discussions and tried to address shortcomings themselves without asking the project manager to look.”


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