

Type of work
24 woningen, 106 appartementen, kantoren, een parkeergarage, 6.000 m2 met ruimte voor winkels en 8.300 m2 binnentuin
zomer 2016
Goossen Te Pas Bouw
Ritzen Architecten / Beltman Architecten
Bartels (constructeur)
Goossen Te Pas Bouw
Winkels Techniek

Success through combined expertise from the East!

The new construction project Intermeco is the first phase of the renovation project Iseldoks in Doetinchem. On behalf of sister company KondorWessels Projecten and the municipality of Doetinchem, Goossen Te Pas Bouw performs construction of the houses, apartments, shops, offices and a parking garage on the former Intermeco site in an urban residential area. Project manager Antoinette Logtmeijer from Goossen Te Pas Bouw asked Winkels Techniek at any early stage to contribute to the installation technology.

Comprehensive preliminary stage

The project was under financial pressure because Intermeco, as a relatively large project, was accepted at an inconvenient time. Antoinette Logtmeijer: “In order to keep losses in implementation as low as possible, we chose to optimise the project as much as possible in the preliminary stages. We worked together within the construction team based on a three-dimensional Building Information Model (BIM). The result is that the project runs well in implementation, with shorter lead times and a better end result thanks to the efforts of Winkels Techniek.”

Installations in 3D

Gerard Trip, construct & design engineer at Winkels Techniek: “By looking at all the installations in 3D, as construction partners we were able to tailor the designs, make sure that installations were connected to each other and solve problems. For example, adjusting the steel reinforcements on the installations in walls and floors. BIM helps with working well together, building faster and reducing the costs of failure.”

Advisory role

“Due to the chosen type of collaboration, Winkels Techniek was in part its own advisor,” said Gerard Trip: “Based on the calculated Energy Performance Coefficient (EPC), in the construction team we developed and installed condensing boilers, ventilation with heat recovery and solar panels, among other things, for the installations.”

Tunnel construction

We started with construction in January 2015 and all the installation work has run according to plan to date. “The first phase consisted of two construction flows with tunnelling and structural work; this certainly involved 16 or 17 technicians from Winkels Techniek,” recalled Gerard Trip. “As the pipes and tubes for drainage, gas, water, electricity and ventilation systems are already in place from the tunnel construction, the technicians can get straight on with work with wires and connecting the ventilation system and shafts. With the big advantage of being able to build quickly.”

Finishing touches

Now the tunnel and structural work are completed, the technicians from Winkels Techniek are involved in the final assembly and finishing plants. For example, assembling the ventilation unit and the condensing boilers, installing the floor heating, sorting out the plumbing, installing the electrical installations and the circuitry materials.

The energy-efficient homes are equipped with a heat recovery system and solar panels, among other features. After the finishing touches have been completed, all the technical installations are tested and checked before being precisely tuned and delivered.

Combined expertise

Logtmeijer is satisfied with the cooperation with Winkels. “We asked Winkels because of our positive experience with Winkels Techniek over many years and their combined expertise in the areas of electrical and mechanical installations. This works very well, both in the preparation phase and in construction.”

He continued: “The implementation has been very successful so far with pleasant communication and based on mutual trust. And of course it helps that we both come from the east and are familiar with each other.”


Winkels Techniek fitted the indoor parking garage with a ventilation system, access control, a fire alarm installation and CO/LPG detection. Furthermore, Winkels Techniek installed obvious things like condensing boilers, intercom/video connections and dry risers. Winkels Techniek also supplied the specific electronic features, such as nurse call systems, for the block with special care apartments.


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